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Bishop John Abdalah of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America speaks at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.YouTube

(LifeSiteNews) — Bishop John Abdalah reminded attendees at the 2024 March for Life in Washington, D.C. that while “the world has forsaken God” Christians must use their lives as “an opportunity to know God, to share His way, (and) to live in Him.”

Abdalah appeared on stage before the march alongside several other clergy, including Catholic Bishops William Lori of Baltimore and Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia.

Abdalah is an auxiliary Bishop in the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. He was consecrated in 2011 and assigned to the Diocese of Worcester and New England.

Abdalah’s remarks focused on how modern man has fallen away from God but also on how he must return to Him.

“The postmodern world has abandoned God, life, and peace to pursue self-gratification through science and consumerism,” he said. “Life requires our putting away of immature ways and a holy submission to God Himself.”

He also observed that “by protecting and speaking for those least able and most vulnerable of our brethren, the unborn, we show ourselves to be co-workers in Christ’s own priesthood and ministry.”

Abdalah’s brief remarks also noted that a women’s womb is a sacred place. “The womb provides everything for the unborn. It is the source of nourishment, safety, comfort and growth,” he said.

He closed with a prayer begging for God’s help.

“Let us pray for Godly physicians, civil authorities, lawmakers, and caregivers,” he said. “You knew us from our mother’s womb and ordered the world for our salvation. Protect your babies, both born and unborn. Guide their parents. Reveal to us the ways which we should walk today and every day.”

