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FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — Abortion is one of today’s most polarizing issues. As debates rage, there is a peaceful, yet powerful, movement to stop abortion taking place across America. The Marian Blue Wave, American Life League’s prayer initiative to eliminate abortion, marks its fourth anniversary on October 7, 2023, with more than 10,000 prayer partners all over the world, all united in prayer to end abortion.

Marian Blue Wave director Katie Brown recalled the launch of this commitment by faithful Catholics to pray the Rosary.

“Within days of launching the new Marian Blue Wave,” Brown shared, “we had people in all 50 states and 31 countries around the world pledge to join. It was a humbling reception to our small but mighty movement.”

“The battle against abortion is a spiritual one,” declared Brown. “There are, of course, political and economic factors driving those who promote abortion, but it is really about conquering the evil that blinds people, convincing them that there are compelling reasons to kill preborn children. Those who honor God as the Creator of life understand that for the lie it is, and willingly go to their knees in prayer to fight for these innocent victims.”

Brown points out that one of the promises of the Rosary is that its recitation “will cause virtue and good works to flourish.”

“It is more important than ever for Catholics and other Christians to wage this battle over the evil of abortion with the power of God and the intercession of His Blessed mother,” Brown observed.

Marian Blue Wave participants commit to pray a weekly Rosary with the specific intentions of ending all types of abortions – including surgical, pill, contraceptive, and in vitro fertilization – and shutting down every Planned Parenthood facility in America. Additionally, the movement seeks to close all other abortion facilities in the United States and change the hearts of Catholics who advocate for or promote abortion.

Praying the Rosary as part of the Marian Blue Wave “has made me more aware of the need for prayer and action against abortion and Planned Parenthood,” reported Kathy from Ohio. She joins 10,000 others in praying for the elimination of laws supporting abortion in states like California, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, and New York.

Brown notes that the prayers offered by the members of the Marian Blue Wave are not just against the evil of abortion and those who perpetrate it but are also compassionately focused on those victimized by it. 

“Praying daily with the Marian Blue Wave has kept me aware of the need to pray for unborn children, aborted children, and the mothers of both, and for mothers who have chosen to give life regardless of their own desires,” shared Jack from West Virginia.  

Patricia from Virginia explained that she prays as part of the Marian Blue Wave because “it gives hope that so many people pray the Rosary asking Mary to intercede for the end of abortion and to provide support for mothers… to assist mothers AND babies.”

The Marian Blue Wave has its roots in an invitation by Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, for all Catholics to “refocus on the beautiful gift of the Rosary and the call to prayer that the Blessed Virgin Mary has given us so many times.” 

“With this Marian Blue Wave, we certainly pray for the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death,” said Strickland. “And we pray for healing in the world and the Church at this time.”

Learn more about the Marian Blue Wave and find resources for participation at marianbluewave.com.

About American Life League

American Life League has been part of the pro-life movement from its inception. Since 1979, American Life League has committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death with a pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by a culture of death. For more information, visit all.org.

