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VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Notorious LGBT activist Fr. James Martin, SJ, posted a photo of himself with Cardinal Gerhard Müller at the Synod on Synodality on social media.

“Honored to meet Cardinal Gerhard Müller at the @Synod_va,” Martin wrote in an X, formerly Twitter, post on Thursday. 

The two were appointed participants of the Synod by Pope Francis.

“I’m very happy that Cardinal Müller is with us at the Synod. Please keep all of us in your prayer as we pray and dialogue together,” Martin said in a following post.

Cardinal Müller, the former prefect of the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith, has strongly denounced Martin for his LGBT activism and accused him of “heresy.”

“All forms of sexuality outside of legitimate matrimony is a grave sin, a mortal sin,” the German cardinal said in 2022 interview with LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen. “Father Martin cannot change it with all his political actions, and his networking, and all the propaganda he is making.”

“What he’s doing, that is a heresy, absolutely heresy. Nobody can justify it,” he continued, adding that Martin’s activism “is absolutely wrong” and “bringing into danger the salvation of the people.”

“We cannot introduce wrong ideas and just mislead the people according to this ideology of LGBT propaganda.”

In his first post, Martin said that the cardinal gave him a copy of a 2015 book that he wrote with Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, OP, a leading proponent of liberation theology. He also said that he gave Cardinal Müller “a copy of my book on Jesus.”

Martin’s latest book, Come Forth, is about Christ raising Lazarus and calling him from the tomb, which Martin blasphemously compared to an “invitation” for “LGBTQ people” to “come out” and “accept, embrace and love” their disordered sexual tendencies.

Martin is well-known for his heterodoxy, particularly on sexuality: He has disparaged Catholic teaching that homosexuality is disordered, calling it “needlessly cruel,” suggested that Catholic doctrine on homosexuality is not “authoritative,” cast doubt on the biblical condemnation of sodomy, and claimed that homosexuality is “the way God created” people.

The New York Jesuit has also praised and encouraged same-sex “marriages,” presenting the “marriage” of two homosexual men as “a loving act” and “a form of love” that calls for “reverence.”

“Your love is beautiful,” he told a man planning a “wedding” with his homosexual partner in 2017. “I do hope in 10 years you are able to kiss your partner or, you know, soon to be your husband” during the sign of peace at Mass, he added. “Why not? What’s the terrible thing?”

READ: Prominent priests condemn Fr. James Martin’s defense of Pete Buttigieg’s same-sex ‘marriage’

Martin, moreover, has pushed Catholics and churches to celebrate LGBT “pride” and last year appeared to defend giving puberty blockers to children with confusion about their sex.

In response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the priest suggested that “a one-minute-old zygote” does not have the same rights as “a nine-month-old baby.” The Catholic Church teaches that an individual “demands the unconditional respect that is morally due to the human being” as soon as “the zygote has formed.”

