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(LifeSiteNews) — Home Depot is promoting the LGBT agenda with greater fervor during this year’s so-called “pride month,” according to a current employee.

An employee at a Home Depot location in Michigan told LifeSiteNews that the retailer “is known for aggressively pushing equity and wokeness” and that “it has certainly increased during pride month [sic]” with promotional messages and displays presented to workers.

Ahead of June, employees received an email advertising “prism gear” that was available for them to purchase in celebration of “pride month.” T-shirts, ball caps, water bottles and bags decorated with rainbow prisms were presented alongside the message, “grab your prism-LGBTQ+ alliance gear today.”

“The prism gear is only available to employees, craftily avoiding the problems Target and others have encountered promoting LGBT+ items to the public,” the Home Depot employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, told LifeSiteNews via email. “Internal messages promoting HDs [Home Depot’s] ESG [Environmental, Social and Governance program] mantra are rather frequent.”

The source added that, “to my knowledge,” the email “was sent to all employees nationwide” and that the source does “not recall receiving other emails of this nature” from the store.

Photos shared with LifeSiteNews show various information related to LGBT activists, entertainment, flags and pronouns posted on an employee billboard. One page details the “history of LGBTQ flags,” from the original “pride flag” designed in 1977 to the 2021 “LGBTQ progress pride flag,” which has been updated to include representation of “the intersex community.”

Another poster explains how to use “common pronouns” and others provide suggestions of movies, TV shows and books to read during so-called “pride month.”

Additionally, there is a list of “famous LGBTQ figures” which include actress Ellen Page, who began self-identifying as a man named Elliot in 2019. Others held up on the same pedestal are U.S. lesbian soccer player Megan Rapinoe, singer Sam Smith who is notoriously known for his satanic performance at the 2023 Grammys and British actor Ian McKellen, who, despite having played Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings franchise, has used his fame to actively promote homosexuality.

“[The] LGBT propaganda is always present, often subtle and occasionally overt, but it has certainly increased during ‘Pride Month,’” the source told LifeSiteNews. “Not long ago, HD altered its employee database to include preferred names. This allowed people to insert nicknames but was likely a concession to ‘wokeness.’”

The source explained that there are other employees who disagree with certain ESG initiatives such as “preferred pronouns” but that “supervisors and [employees] above [them] are especially wary of expressing their disgust for fear of retribution or career derailment.”

“I would never criticize someone’s lifestyle choices, but I will also never deny the tenets of my faith,” the source, who is a practicing Catholic, added. “I’m disgusted that Home Depot, Blackrock and others in the investment community are blatantly promoting immoral behavior. It’s an insult to myself and people of all faiths who don’t share their misguided beliefs.”

In addition to individual locations promoting the LGBT agenda to employees, the Home Depot organization widened its partnership with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a nationwide LGBT advocacy group.

“While The Home Depot has partnered with the HRC Foundation in the past to advance meaningful change, we’ve expanded our partnerships to support multiple initiatives that align with key communities around advancing education for all, specifically within diverse communities,” read a June 30, 2022, press release from the company.

One program specifically supported by Home Depot is the “Welcoming Schools” initiative, which “uplift[s] school communities with critical tools to embrace family diversity, create LGBTQ+ [sic] and gender inclusive schools, prevent bias-based bullying and support transgender [sic] and non-binary [sic] students.” The program’s website states that this goal is accomplished by inserting “LGBTQ+ and gender inclusive professional development training, lesson plans [and] booklists.”

The “Historically Black Colleges and Universities” initiative also seeks to “promote excellence in LGBTQ inclusion, equity and engagement.” Home Depot has reportedly spent millions of dollars in support of this program since 2009.


Growing resistance to LGBT ideology weakened the social impact of this year’s ‘Pride Month’

‘Pride doesn’t stop in June’: TD Bank pledges to promote LGBT ideology ‘all year’ long

