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(LifeSiteNews) –– Dear Readers,

We are still short 80% of our Christmas campaign goal. Achieving the goal can still be done as we have experienced from the generosity of readers during past campaigns when we have been this short near the end of campaigns. You always amaze and humble us.

Help us to continue to help you with our daily gift of truth by donating here

We are delighted to present to you today Live Action’s stunning Window to the Womb app showing the development of a baby from fertilization to the moment of birth. I have seen many such presentations in the past but none as impressive as this one. Watch it with your entire family by clicking on the link. Enjoy God’s miracle of the creation of a human life.

Pro-life laws do work as revealed in today’s report on the miracle in Texas thanks to the striking down of Roe v. Wade and the courage of Texas legislators.

Organized, courageous Florida parents have proven that they can make a difference in getting sexually very offensive school reading material pulled from their schools. Let this be an example for parents everywhere to follow.

Canada’s world-leading increase in euthanasia numbers in recent years is now revealed to be even worse than reported. Statistics Canada has been wrongly fudging the data and not including people who had cancer and other terminal conditions as having been euthanized. The culture of death in Canada is rampant and worse than anywhere in the world. What do you expect from a federal government run by agents of the World Economic Forum dedicated to depopulating the planet?

The horribly long wait times for seriously needed health care in Canada has to be another manifestation of that same culture of death that gives low priority to saving the lives of ill Canadians. Canadian hospitals have cruelly re-instated useless, unscientific and harmful mask mandates adding to the suffering and frustration of thousands waiting for hours in short-staffed emergency rooms.

That situation has to a significant degree been created by past Covid “vaccine” and other mandates for hospital staff, many of whom were fired or have not returned to work because of what they had to endure from those mad policies. Masks serve only one purpose – psychological conditioning to obey irrational government rules. It is sad to see many still meekly complying with this lunacy.

The 300% increase in unspecified deaths in Canada from 2019-2022 is another confirmation of the above.

World, pay attention to what is happening in WEF-infiltrated Canada! Don’t go down the same path.

Amazingly, New Zealand is removing LGBT indoctrination from their schools in a declared war on woke. What a dramatic change from the previous fascist government. It is very surprising and encouraging to see this.

You MUST READ Elizabeth Yore’s exceptional Part 2 today of her articles on Pope Francis. We have been publishing a series of well-researched and written articles from different authors exposing the realities of Francis and his papacy this week. This is not a planned campaign to attack Francis. It just happened that several persons have independently decided it is now time to tell the full, blunt, documented truth about this pope because of the great danger he has become, not just to the Catholic Church, but also to what is left of Christian civilization in the world.

We also happily report on the brave Christian former military officer who tore down and beheaded the Satanist statue erected in the Iowa State Capitol. God bless that man! That statue put up by an anti-Christian hate organization should never have been permitted in the first place. The governor cowardly permitted it with a poor excuse. The former Navy pilot deserves the gratitude and support of all Americans and a medal from the government.

I have only referred to a few of many significant reports from Friday. Please take the time to review them all.

The above illustrates only some of many good reasons to donate to keep this unique, pro-life, pro-faith, pro-family and pro-family news service going.

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God bless and have a wonderful weekend.

Steve Jalsevac

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Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

