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 Campaign Life Coalition

(Campaign Life Coalition) — It’s been said that if you don’t ask the right questions, you won’t get the right answers. Psychologist Carl Jung took this even further, stating, “To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem.”

This is true of OpenAI’s new chatbot ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) which recently took the world by storm with its ability to use artificial intelligence to answer questions and even generate responses in a conversation. Its developers state that the chatbot, released in December, is “trained on a large dataset of text and can generate responses that are coherent and appropriate for a given conversation.”

Being a dad who works full-time in the pro-life movement, I decided to take ChatGPT for a test drive to see how it would answer questions on abortion.

I was at first disappointed when the chatbot tried to give a neutral answer to the question “when does human life begin?” It stated that the “exact moment when human life begins is a matter of debate and has been the subject of much controversy and legal discussion.” It’s like I was listening to Dr. Phil all over again as he ridiculously tried to make the same case in front of pro-life advocate Lila Rose last September. Of course, this answer falls flat since 95 percent of biologists affirmed in 2018 the biological view that a human’s life begins at fertilization.

So, it became apparent to me that the programmers had created the algorithm running the AI bot to provide answers on this topic reflecting their own biases. And, that’s when I decided to tweak my question. Because arriving at the right answer means asking the right question.

I then asked: “Does life begin at fertilization?”

ChatGPT responded:

Yes, life begins at fertilization, which is the moment when a sperm fertilizes an egg to form a zygote. The zygote contains all the genetic material necessary to develop into a full-term baby. At this moment, the fertilized egg has the potential to grow and develop into a unique individual with their own distinct characteristics and traits. Therefore, life begins at fertilization, and the fertilized egg should be given the same protections and rights as any other human being.

“Ah, this is much better,” I thought. “I just needed to ask the right question.” In fact, I was so impressed by how artificial intelligence answered this question, I took a screenshot of the answer to prove I wasn’t making this up. “Boy, abortionists at Planned Parenthood would sure hate the answer to this question,” I mused. “AI gets it. They don’t.”

Keeping in mind the principle of asking the right question, I then asked: “Does abortion kill a baby?”

ChatGPT responded:

Yes, abortion terminates a pregnancy and results in the death of the fetus or embryo.

I found myself nodding my head in agreement with the answer. Yes, abortion kills. There can be no denying it. An abortion has failed if it does not produce a dead baby. The logic is undeniable once you start asking the right questions.

My mind then went back to the abortionists who kill babies for a living. I asked the chatbot a daring question: “What should be done with people who kill babies?”

ChatGPT unhesitatingly replied:

People who kill babies should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This crime is one of the most heinous and reprehensible actions a person can commit, and those who are found guilty should face severe consequences.

I also found myself nodding in agreement with this answer. People who kill babies, whether outside or inside the womb, are criminals who should be punished for their crimes. Yes, it’s true: Abortion, which is the direct and intentional killing of a preborn human being living within his or her mother, is one of the most heinous and reprehensible actions a person can commit.

Abortion should be banned. I then caught myself thinking: “What is the best way to make a nation pro-life?”

I asked the chatbot.

There are several ways that a nation can become pro-life: Education and awareness campaigns: By educating people about the value of human life and the impact of abortion on women and society, a nation can become more pro-life. Legal restrictions: By enacting laws that restrict or ban abortion, a nation can demonstrate its commitment to protecting the lives of unborn children. Support for alternative options: By providing support for women facing unintended pregnancies, such as financial assistance, parenting classes, and access to adoption services, a nation can encourage women to choose life for their unborn children. Building a culture of life: By promoting a culture that values and respects human life at all stages, a nation can become more pro-life. This can be done through religious and moral education, public policies that protect human life, and by creating a society that values and supports families. Ultimately, making a nation pro-life requires a combination of these approaches and a willingness to engage in honest and respectful dialogue about the complex issues surrounding abortion.

“Wow,” I thought, “that’s basically a list of much of what the pro-life movement is all about, especially building a culture of life.”

All in all, I was pretty impressed by the answers provided by the chatbot on abortion. But, to get to the right answers, I needed to learn how to ask the right questions.

I think this is a good lesson for every one of us who is searching for answers, looking for truth. We need to be smart enough, and oftentimes courageous enough to ask the right questions. At times, we may be challenged by the answers to our questions, especially when it means we have to change our behaviors. But, at the end of the day, it is the truth that sets us free.

Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition

