Articles tagged Activism

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Arrested for defying COVID: Monica Smit continues resistance

Monica Smit led the resistance in Australia against COVID lockdowns with her peaceful opposition to government tyranny. Now Smit feels called by God to continue the fight against the encroaching globalist police state across the world. Monica provides an update for LifeSite viewers on what she has seen in her travels, highlighting what it means to be a frontline activist against government overreach while serving God in accordance with her Catholic faith. Citizens everywhere continue to be inspired by Smit’s tremendous witness, self-sacrifice, and unwillingness to bend her knee to the deep state globalists seeking to rule the world. Watch […]
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The devil’s plan for godlessness: Communist China

The world’s greatest threat to the pro-life movement, freedom of religion, and world stability is entirely man-made: the scourge of communism. Communism is founded on hate, which requires a constant fuel of hatred to sustain itself. Steven Mosher recounts the encounters that come from his horrifying research — coming face to face with “absolute evil” — watching perfectly healthy children be murdered in China, only for violating the communist one-child policy. Mosher minces no words: Communism is Satan’s diabolical plan to establish godlessness and destroy humanity. Where God creates life, the Devil destroys. In our age, the Devil uses communism […]
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Trump v Biden, France self-destructs on abortion

In addition to sweeping victories in Republican primaries, President Donald Trump won a landslide 9-0 U.S. Supreme Court decision that ruled states cannot remove him from the ballot. Pope Francis’ affinity for the apostle Judas has re-emerged in a recent video, showing a crude and scandalous painting of a nude Jesus “ministering” to His fallen betrayer. Despite so much confusion coming from Vatican City, activist and comedian-actor Russell Brand is now praying the rosary on social media, demonstrating once again that the graces of Christ continue to flow with great generosity in the world. Those graces are needed now more […]
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They want to ELIMINATE 7 billion people. Will you be one of them?

The globalists have pledged to slash the world population down by 7,000,000,000 people — are you ready? Globalists hate the sight of large families and young children, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy a prosperous humanity.  Across the globe, men and women are waking up to the alarming truth that governments no longer serve God or the people. LifeSiteNews is getting the truth out to millions of people worldwide who think that globalist agendas won’t affect them or their families — they couldn’t be more wrong. Watch, be warned, and tell others about the globalist plan to destroy humanity. […]
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GRAPHIC: LGBT parade targets children

The LGBT agenda was never going to leave children alone. Watch this graphic footage of an LGBT parade involving children, and never forget that the LGBT movement was always going to target our youth. Watch the full episode of Faith and Reason, which also analyses the odd case of Pope Francis’ atheist adviser. What could Pope Francis be doing with an adviser that does not believe in God? Watch now: HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: SHOP YOUR FAVORITE PRECIOUS METALS WITH LIFESITENEWS: SHOP ALL YOUR FUN […]
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OUTRAGE: San Antonio archbishop cancels a Catholic family business

The persecution of a Texas Catholic family and their business by the Archbishop of San Antonio is staggering. Watching Donald Trump, Kari Lake, RFK Jr., and so many more “conservatives” back deadly IVF is sobering. More attempts to remove conservatives from ballots are backfiring. Canada’s anti-Catholic, nominally Catholic leader Justin Trudeau is ready to jail faithful Catholics for 20 years. But heaven is ready to launch a reconquest as the times of confusion reach their apex. HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: SHOP YOUR FAVORITE PRECIOUS METALS WITH LIFESITENEWS: […]