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Professor Patrick Provost, formerly of Laval UniversityUniversity of Laval

QUEBEC CITY (LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian professor of immunology and microbiology has been sacked from his job at Quebec City’s Université Laval because of his strong opinions against the mRNA COVID injections.

Dr. Patrick Provost has 35 years’ experience working as a biochemist, notably in RNA, lipid nanoparticles, and genomics, and he has publicly stated that the COVID jabs “are not vaccines.” On March 28, 2024, he got a letter from the Vice-Rector of Human Resources and Finance, André Darveau, telling him he was no longer employed by Université Laval.

Provost stated that Université Laval’s treatment of him because of his views on the COVID shots is “illegal, unjust, unreasonable and abusive.”

“I am probably the first professor to be dismissed in the exercise of his academic freedom since (Quebec’s) ‘Act respecting academic freedom in the university environment,’ which is supposed to protect it, came into force on 7 June 2022,” wrote Provost to his work colleagues in a letter dated April 23.

On May 3, 2024, nine fellow professors signed an open letter to Université Laval which called on the university to give him his job back. It was published by the Brownstone Institute.

“Patrick Provost drew a line at what amounted to medical experimentation on children,” the professors wrote.

“He was in a good position to grasp the potential harms of the Pfizer and Moderna modified mRNA injections. He came to the conclusion some time ago that the risks outweighed the rewards, at least where children were concerned.”

“Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA products are based on a completely new technology and are not ‘vaccines’ – the definition of which was changed in September 2021 – in the traditional sense of the term as understood by the general public,” Provost wrote in his own letter.

“Being aware of the potential risks, known and unknown, associated with these new ‘vaccines,’ I could not remain silent on such important issues, where lives were at stake, particularly those of children. So, I decided to go public with my deep and legitimate concerns, which have evolved over time and are based on recognised concepts, solid scientific evidence, and reasoning.”

READ: Quebec medical professor who opposes COVID jabs for kids suspended a 4th time

Provost was suspended from his job four times before his firing.  In 2022, he was suspended for eight weeks without any pay, and then again for four months last year, which LifeSiteNews reported. After his suspension in 2022, Provost noted to the press that censorship protecting the mainstream COVID jab narrative is so intense that even speaking against it is “worse than the N-word.”

“You’re condemned by the media, by the government, and you’re chased and put down,” he said.

In June 2022, Provost spoke out against COVID restrictions and said that the COVID shots should not be given to kids: the risk they have of getting the virus is lower than the risk of suffering side effects from the shot, he said.

Provost’s long career has seen him win three Discovery of the Year awards. He has also obtained close to $6 million in government funding which allowed him to train some 60 students over the years. His research has been published in about 100 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and he has been cited in over 16,000 articles.

LifeSiteNews has published an extensive amount of research on the dangers of receiving the experimental COVID mRNA jabs, which include heart damage and blood clots.

The mRNA shots have also been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.

Of note, in 2022, British Medical Journal editor Dr. Peter Doshi and colleagues discerned analysis that the COVID shots are more likely to put a person in hospital with a serious adverse event than to keep a person safe from COVID.

Many Canadian doctors who spoke out against COVID mandates and the experimental mRNA injections have been censured by their medical boards, or the university they work at.

Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill, an Ontario pediatrician who has been embroiled in a legal battle with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for her anti-COVID views, has received the support of billionaire Tesla owner Elon Musk.

