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Dr. Matt StraussRumble

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — Elon Musk’s X announced that it will fund the legal battle for a Canadian doctor critical of COVID lockdowns against his former employer Queen’s University after it forced him to resign.

“X is proud to fund a lawsuit filed by Dr. Matthew Strauss, an Ontario critical care physician and professor, against his former employer, Queen’s University,” @XNews posted last Friday.

“After Dr. Strauss argued against wide COVID lockdowns and mandates on his X account, @strauss_matt, Queen’s University (@queensu) publicly ostracized him, retaliated against him, and ultimately forced him to resign because his opinions did not conform to the university’s political orthodoxy.”

Musk’s X News said it “supports Dr. Strauss’ efforts to vindicate his free speech rights without fear of unfair retaliation!”

Strauss is an Ontario physician who is also a federal Conservative Party candidate nominee for Kitchener-South Hespeler. For years, he has been critical of COVID lockdowns and mandates. In 2021, he observed that full hospitals in Canada have been the norm for decades.

“Hospitals have been full since I started medical training in 2004. Out of 33 OECD countries, Canada comes in 31st place for hospital beds per capita. I will not surrender my human rights to the health care mis-managers who bungled this for the last 20 years,” Strauss wrote.

Strauss’s lawsuit claims that he was the target of Queen’s University after it allegedly censored him and enacted professional reprisals against him because of his outspoken views against COVID mandates and lockdowns.

Last Friday, Strauss reiterated the importance of academic freedom and thanked both Musk and X for helping him fund his legal battle.

“Academic freedom is critical to the proper function of a university,” Strauss posted on X.

“If a university’s professors are not free to criticize government policy, it ceases to be a university and becomes a political club. I will fight for this principle in every available arena. Thanks to @X, @elonmusk, and @CPC_HQ for fighting with me!”

Regarding his claims against Queen’s University’s medical faculty, Strauss said the university resorted to “malicious, aggressive, condescending, and defamatory statements” to kick him out of his position.

His lawsuit will seek compensation from what he says was Queen’s University damaging his professional integrity and infringing on his rights to freedom of expression.

For a time, Strauss served as the acting medical officer for Haldimand-Norfolk in Ontario.

He is not the only Canadian doctor critical of COVID mandates who has in recent weeks received financial backing from Musk’s X. Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill, an Ontario pediatrician who has been embroiled in a legal battle with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for her anti-COVID views, has also received the support of Musk.

Many Canadian doctors who spoke out against COVID mandates and the experimental mRNA injections have been censured by their medical boards.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews at its annual general meeting in July 2023 near Toronto, canceled doctors Mary O’ConnorMark Trozzi, Chris Shoemaker, and Byram Bridle were asked to state their messages to the medical community regarding how they have had to fight censure because they have opinions contrary to the COVID mainstream narrative.

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

